Awareness analysis

Utrecht University MSc-student Aradhana Kohli starts this month at GIMS for her MSc-theses. In preparation for her research project she made a summary of the two BSc-theses which where conducted in 2015 year at GIMS.

Summary BSc-theses 2016


Based on this research there are large differences found in regulations and legislation, prescription and delivery, availability and access to medicines among the countries studied. Factors such as education, war, government, culture and religion and economic state of a country have a significant impact on both regulating and monitoring these rules. The level of passive awareness among the healthcare specialists was high for nearly all the studied critical dynamics for all the countries. However the level of active awareness (in a way that one sees, or participates actively in, progress) was low in especially low and middle income countries.

This study didn’t provide hard outcomes, but can certainly provide a basis for a follow-up study in the field of global medication safety. Especially firstly in the analysis of the obstructions for increasing the active awareness of healthcare professionals.