GIMS foundation is a completely independent foundation by Dutch law and was established in 2014 in The Netherlands. The legal form of a foundation has been chosen as it is strictly ‘non profit’.
There are until this moment no fiancial ties to any governmental or business entity. For further developments and activities funding is looked for at: charity organisations, governments and pharma industry. Under Dutch tax law GIMS has an ‘ANBI-status’, which means that gifts are tax deductable. See also:
GIMS foundation operates as a ‘Social Responsible Enterprise’; fulfilling a society’s ‘need’ but doing this throughout a sound business approach.
The Board of the GIMS foundation consists presently of two persons.
- E.R.G. (Richard) van Slobbe, Pharm.D., Chairman
- E.H.R. (Eric) van der Borg, Pharm.D., Secretary
With their passion for the theme and their symbiotic energies they hope to mobilise others (professionals, pharma industry, institutions aswell as health governance authorities) and thereby jointly realise real improvements on this topic. In the seperate pages they will introduce themselves.